Saturday 4 May 2019

Can adding butter to your coffee help you lose weight?||Healthy Breakfast Recipes

Can adding butter to your coffee help you lose weight?

No matter which diet you are following, a cup of coffee can be a part of all of them. And if you are someone who can’t do without two or three cups of coffee in a day and also feel guilty about it later, this article is for you.

Butter coffee

Butter Coffee

If you are looking for ways to make your coffee healthier, stirring a blob of butter in it might be the answer for you. Though coffee lovers might find it disgusting and wellness experts are praising this buttery beverage a little too much. According to experts, this surprising trick can work wonders for your health and weightloss.

Bulletproof coffee

This trendy weight loss drink is sweeping the internet by being the favourite of weight watchers. The recipe calls for two cups of high-quality single origin coffee and two tablespoons of unsalted grass fed butter and one-two tablespoons of MCT (medium-chain triglycerides) oil (concentrated extract of fat found in coconut and palm oils). Stir all the ingredients together and your coffee is ready

How does it help?

This buttery beverage is creating so much buzz because according to a recent research, MCTs are quickly metabolized, which makes them effective for weight loss. The grass-fed butter in coffee contains high level of omega 3 and which has an anti-inflammatory property and can help in improving brain function, gut health and energy levels.

Not just this, bulletproof coffee can provide you with energy and a feeling of satiety along with a bunch of nutrients, all which in turn increases the fat burning metabolism, resulting in weight loss.
Some fans claim that the concoction tastes delicious and creamy latte.
Keep in mind Your bulletproof coffee can also backfire by adding a lot of high-fat calories if you do not continue with clean eating during the rest of the day. In other words, do not neglect the other healthy eating habits because no coffee alone can do magic and help you lose weight.

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Can adding butter to your coffee help you lose weight?||Healthy Breakfast Recipes
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